Board of Trustees
County Commissioners from Grays Harbor, Lewis, Mason, Pacific, and Thurston counties appoint a Trustee to the Board. Two additional Trustees are appointed to fill at-large positions, one from Lewis County and one from Thurston County. Trustees serve terms of seven years, or shorter terms if the Trustee was appointed to fill a vacancy.

Term expires: 12/2029

Term expires: 12/2025

Term expires: 12/2030

Term expires: 12/2031

Term expires: 12/2026
2025-2027 Committee Assignments
Budget Committee
Mary Beth Harrington (Chair)
Thurston County At-Large
Mason County
Policy Committee
Brian Mittge (Chair)
Dustin Loup
Thurston County At-Large
Facilities Committee
Dustin Loup (Chair)
Hal Blanton
Toni Gwin
Executive Committee
The Timberland Regional Library Board of Trustees meets monthly on the fourth Wednesday, except for holidays or conferences when it may be on the third or fifth Wednesday. Meetings start at 5:30 p.m. and may be held at the Administrative Service Center, one of the 29 libraries, or on Zoom. The annual meeting is in December.
Visit AV Capture ALL, opens a new window to view agendas for upcoming meetings and access recordings of past meetings. Zoom links all virtual meetings are available on the meeting agenda approximately one week prior to the meeting. In-person meetings are not available to attend via Zoom.
To submit written public comments or sign up for a public comment during the meeting, email It's recommended to email written comments 24 hours before the meeting. The sign-up deadline is 5:00 p.m. on the meeting day. Please include your name, location, and topic. Details will be sent to you. View the Public Comment Policy.
According to RCW 42.30/ESHB 1329 Sec.1, public participation, especially through comments, is crucial for public policy development. Remote access tools should be used to enhance public engagement, particularly for those with disabilities or travel challenges. Persons needing accommodations to participate in a meeting, please email or call (360) 704-4548 by 10:00 a.m. at least 48 hours before the meeting date.
Board meetings are public and comply with Washington's Open Public Meetings Act (RCW 42.30). For more information, refer to the Municipal Research and Services Center of Washington's Open Public Meetings Act guidelines.
If you would like to contact the Board, please email:
Information and applications about how to become a Trustee can be found on each of the County Commissioners' websites.