Print stations are available in all libraries, including Anywhere Library. Print in color and black & white, send a fax, scan a document or make copies.
At the beginning of each month, your library card will have a $44 credit that can be used for printing and copying. This is not a rolling balance and will reset every month. If you choose to print over $44, you may add additional funds to your account.
Black and white prints are $0.10 per page and color prints are $0.50 per page for 8.5x11 (letter) and 8.5x14 (legal) paper. For 11x17 (ledger) size paper the cost per page is B&W $0.20 and color $1.00.
The following document types can be printed:
- Word - .DOC, .DOCX and .RTF files
- Excel - .XLS and .XLSX files
- PowerPoint - .PPT and .PPTX files
- PDF - .PDF files
- Text - .TXT files
- Image files - BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG and TIF files
Printing from a library computer is easy, just select print from the menu. Our print management software will keep track of your balance automatically.
Scanning & Faxing
Scanning and faxing are available at all TRL print stations at no charge.
To scan
- Place document on the glass or in the top feeder, face up.
- Log in with your library card and pin, tap the Scan/Fax icon.
- Tap Address and enter your email address.
- Tap B/W Start or Color Start to begin scanning.
- Scanned files will be delivered to your email as attachments.
To fax
- Follow the steps for scanning above. At Step #3, enter the fax number in the Address field followed by @egoldfax.com.
- (example: 3605555555@egoldfax.com)
Need help? Library staff are available to assist with scanning, faxing, printing and copying.
Remote Printing
Upload your documents prior to your visit and head straight to the print station when you arrive. Uploads are available for 24 hours. Remember to log out of the printer once you have finished printing.
To upload your files use one of the options below:
Web browser (most popular):
- Visit https://printing.trl.org/myprintcenter, opens a new window
- Enter your library card and PIN number
- Click UPLOAD and select your document on your device
- Repeat for multiple docs.
By email:
Email printing@trl.org, opens a new window with the files you want to print as attachments. Otherwise the body of the email message will print.
If prompted, register your email in Pharos. Otherwise, your files will be added to your print queue.
Computer & Technology Services
Reserve a Computer
iPads for Library Use
Printing FAQ
Each month a $44.00 credit is applied to your library card's printing balance. Unused balances do not roll over at the end of the month.
To view your available printing balance visit printing.trl.org
Black and white prints are $0.10 per page and color prints are $0.50 per page for 8.5x11 (letter) and 8.5x14 (legal) paper. For 11x17 (ledger) size paper the cost per page is B&W $0.20 and color $1.00. A double-sided page counts as two pages.
If you need to print more than your $44.00 monthly credit will cover you may pay for the difference. Please speak to library staff in advance of releasing your print job.
Each month a $44.00 credit is applied to your library card that can be used for printing and copying. Unused balances do not roll over at the end of the month.
Black and white pages are $0.10 per page and color pages are $0.50 per page. A double-sided page counts as two pages.
If you need to print or copy more than your $44.00 monthly credit will cover you may pay for the difference. Please speak to library staff in advance of making excess copies to submit payment.
Open MyPrintCenter, opens a new window and log in using your Timberland Library Card. You can then upload a file and proceed to any Timberland Regional Library and release the job at a print release station. You can also upload print jobs using the MyPrintCenter mobile app or by sending your print job as an email attachment to printing@trl.org.
Watch our video below for more information.
- From a web browser open https://printing.trl.org/, opens a new window.Enter your library card number and PIN when prompted.
- Click the Upload icon.
- Browse to and select the document to be printed.
- In the lower right corner of the screen you can change print options including the number of copies and whether the pages are printed single-sided or double-sided (default).
- You will have up to 24 hours to go to a Timberland library, log in to a print release station and print your documents.