Virtual Author Talks

New Service begins January 2024

Timberland Regional LIBRARY will be bringing a new lineup of exciting virtual author talks in 2024 from bestselling, award-winning, and highly acclaimed authors and thought leaders.  

This free, ongoing series primarily geared towards adults and teens, will virtually showcase featured writers and thought leaders covering a wide range of fiction and nonfiction genres. Each talk will provide the opportunity to participate in an author Q&A or pre-submit questions during registration.  

The free, virtual series will take place two to three times a month, a complete list of events is available on TRL's virtual author talk series website at 

Author Talks for January will include:

EMBRACE LOVE IN THE NEW YEAR: A Heartfelt Conversation with Rebecca Serle, New York Times Bestselling Author of One Italian Summer, In Five Years, and The Dinner List  

In Five Years

One Italian Summer

The Dinner List

Wednesday, January 10th at 5:00PM PST, opens a new window

YOUR RETIREMENT: Dream of Disaster? How to Avoid the Hidden Traps in Retirement Planning Advice with Rajiv Nagaich, Expert in U.S. Elder Law and Host of Two Popular Public Television Shows   

Your Retirement

Tuesday, January 23rd at 11:00AM PST

THE LURE AND THE LIES OF PROCESSED FOOD, NUTRITION, AND MODERN MEDICINE: Author Talk with Dr. Robert Lustig, Physician and New York Times Author of Fat Chance  


Tuesday, January 30th at 11:00 AM PS