Policy Number: 064
Supersedes Policy #New Policy
Approved: 01/23/ 2019 Effective: 02/01/2019
Authorized by: Board of Trustees Review Date: 02/01/2024
1. Purpose:
To provide guiding principles by which Timberland Regional Library (TRL) data is made available to the public.
2. Scope:
This policy applies to all TRL libraries.
3. Background: None.
4. Definitions:
A. Dataset: a collection of raw, non-manipulated data presented with associated metadata, and which is machine readable.
B. Data: Facts, measures, and statistics relating to library operations, collections, and budget.
5. Policy:
A. TRL recognizes the rights of citizens, organizations, and local government to public access to library records and information.
B. TRL adopts the following principles to ensure that data is open, accessible, and reusable:
i. Open by Default. Presume publication for all, unless data includes exempt public records.
ii. Timely and Comprehensive. Data is published regularly in its original, unmodified form.
iii. Accessible and Usable. Data is machine readable, includes relevant metadata, and is provided online in formats that meet established data standards.
iv. Freely Available. Datasets are made freely available without restrictions or limitations.
C. The Library Director, or designees, is authorized to approve TRL datasets for publication.
D. Requests for the publication of additional TRL datasets shall be immediately referred to the Library Director according to established Public Records Request procedures.
6. References:
A. TRL Public Records Request Policy and Procedures
B. Confidentiality of Library Records Policy
7. Citations:
A. RCW 43.105.351, RCW 42.56.310
By the enactment of this policy the Board of Trustees of Timberland Regional Library is concurrently rescinding any prior policy or procedure within TRL that is either in conflict with or expansive of the matters addressed in this policy.