Volunteer Application "*" indicates required fields Step 1 of 2 50% Name* First Last Pronouns Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Phone*Email Enter Email Confirm Email Are you under 18 years of age?* Yes No Parent/Guardian* First Last Relationship to applicant Parent/Guardian Consent*I acknowledge that I am the parent or legal guardian of the applicant named above and consent to their participation as a volunteer for Timberland Regional Library. I agree.Confidentiality Agreement*I understand that I am required to protect the privacy of those who work in and use the Library. I agree to hold all information about patrons and employees in complete confidence. I understand that I may be asked to leave my volunteer position should I be found to share confidential information. I agree to the confidentiality policy.What type of volunteer position are you interested in?*Speak with staff at your local branch for more information about available volunteer positions. Teen Library Council or other teen volunteer Program Assistant Library Ambassador Materials/Collection Maintenance Assistant Adopt-a-Shelf Volunteer No Preference (Adult Volunteer) Friends of the Library Please select the branch where you would like to volunteer.*If your preferred branch is not listed, no volunteer applications are being accepted at this time. Please call your local library for more information.SalkumShelton (teen volunteers only)YelmPlease select the branch where you would like to volunteer.*If your preferred branch is not listed, no volunteer applications are being accepted at this time. AberdeenAmanda ParkCentraliaChehalisElmaHawks PrairieHoquiamHoodsportIlwacoLaceyMcClearyMontesanoMountain ViewNaselleNorth MasonOcean ParkOakvilleOlympiaPackwoodRaymondSalkumSouth BendSheltonTeninoTumwaterWest OlympiaWestportYelmVolunteer & Work HistoryAre you seeking to fulfill court authorized community service hours?*If yes, you will be asked to provide a copy of the order to the volunteer supervisor prior to approval. Yes No Are you seeking to fulfill community service hours for school?* Yes No Please indicate how many community services hours you need to complete and the date by which you need to complete your service hours. Employment Status* Employed Retired Student Unemployed Current employer and position title:* Summary of volunteer experience:*List any computer programs, equipment or office machines that you are qualified to operate that relate to the position you are interested in: Keyboarding (typing) skills: None Beginner Intermediate Highly Proficient List languages spoken (other than English) Language Fluency Beginner Intermediate Highly Proficient AvailabilityPlease indicate the days and times you are available to volunteer during the week. Add a new row for each weekday.Day of the weekAvailability Add RemoveReferencesPlease provide contact information for two references.Name First Last Relationship to applicant Years Known PhoneEmail Name First Last Relationship to applicant Years Known PhoneEmail Friends of the LibraryThank you for your interest in being a Friend of the Library! Please visit our Friends of the Library page to find contact information for the Friends group at your local branch. Some Friends of the Library volunteers who assist with donations and book sales may need to undergo a background check. Please speak with staff at your local library to determine if you need to submit this application if you are unsure.Background Check AuthorizationTimberland Regional Library provides services to youth; therefore, we adhere to the Child/Adult Abuse Information Act. Additionally, Washington State law (RCW 43.43.834) requires that all applicants for this position disclose certain information about their background and submit to a mandatory criminal background check. A criminal history inquiry is obtained on all persons who will perform or provide services on behalf of Timberland Regional Library. That record is only used for making the initial employment or engagement decision. Criminal history inquiries are made through the Washington State Patrol and Criminal History Section. Background Check Authorization*Background checks are completed for all volunteer applicants ages 18 and older prior to volunteer placement. Applicants will be required to provide photo identification to library staff before a volunteer application is approved and prior to the completion of a background check. Background checks are renewed every 12 months as long as the volunteer remains in active status with the library. I consent. Signature*My name entered in full as my signature signifies that the volunteer application has been completed accurately to the best of my knowledge. As a TRL volunteer, I also agree to comply with all TRL policies. Your name as it would be signed: Date Signed* MM slash DD slash YYYY CAPTCHANameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.