Are you a teen who wants to share your writing or art?

One of the things I get to do as a Librarian in Lacey is run the Lacey Loves to Read Teen Writing & Art Contest (LLTR).  Occasionally, I get asked for ideas of opportunities similar to the LLTR contest that are open to teens outside of Lacey.  Recently, I worked with the Youth Services Consultant at the Washington State Library to compile the list below. Contact us, opens a new window if you know of something similar that we missed!
High School-only Opportunities:
Other Timberland Library Stuff:
  • Books by Kids for Kids, opens a new window - at the Lacey Timberland Library, we have a collection of books that kids have written and given to the library for checkout! Any kid can bring in a book to be added to that collection.
  • Teen Art in the Lacey Teen Space - At the Lacey Timberland Library, we are gradually filling the Teen Space walls with art from local teens. There are no regional limits for that collection. Come take a look, and let me know if you have a piece you'd like to share!
I also advise students to talk to people at their schools, including Art and ELA teachers. They could start a student-driven contest, or teachers may know of other opportunities.
Happy creating!