News Release: Books for Kids by Kids Collection


Date: February 15, 2023
Written by: Anna Lisa Rasmussen

We know that kids love to write their own books, but what if the books they write could be checked out at the local library? That is exactly what The Lacey Timberland Library has set out to do with the “Books for Kids by Kids” collection.

In August of 2022, a 9-year-old patron and author named Abigail had recently finished her own book titled, “A Tale of Tails”, a book that combined her love of both dogs and science. When Abigail was visiting the library, she suggested to Public Services Specialist Meghan Hall, “Maybe you could have my book at the library so other kids could enjoy it”, and thus the idea for the collection was born!

Hall explains that while this collection is an exciting way for kids to be involved in the library, it also supports print awareness and motivation. “Print awareness is deconstructing how books work and are made. For instance, that books are written from left to right, read from front to back, and bound. This isn’t something that you know instinctively, you have to learn it,” Hall says. “Print motivation is when kids are excited about books, excited to come to the library to find books, and helps kids to realize, ‘Oh books are something that I can do.’ It’s not only for professionals or adults.”

Several months later, word of the new collection has spread, and another local author named Ben (age 10), has donated two books: “P vs Z: The Tales of Squash and Impy“ and its sequel, “P vs Z: The Tales of Ra and Peashooter.”

“Ben’s book will be treated like any other book the library receives,” says Library Manager Holly Paxson. “It will be barcoded, cataloged, and searchable online for holds and checkout.”

Describing the experience of writing and donating his books to the library, Ben’s Mother Merry says, “He and his sister are both in online school, and this is a way that he can connect to the broader community and be a part of something.” The growing collection features books submitted by children primarily ages 5-12: and includes other titles such as, “The Cats and Dogs are NOT Friends” by Ziang and “A Kitten Named Snowball” by Westley, among others. When Abigail’s Mother Medina was asked if she realized her daughter’s book inspired this new collection she said, “I didn’t know. I think it’s great. I’m very proud of her.”

The Lacey Timberland Library is currently accepting donations for The Books for Kids by Kids shelf and is looking forward to growing this exciting collection. As is the case with all TRL collections, the items will be available as the collection continues, and the materials remain in good condition. To view the collection online visit and select “Local Authors” or visit the Lacey Timberland Library at 500 College St SE
Lacey, WA 98503.

Do you have a story of how your library has impacted you or your family’s lives? We would love to hear it, and potentially feature you in our upcoming articles! If you are interested, please contact us at