What to Read Next?

What to read next?

Not sure what to read or watch next? Our knowledgeable staff are here to help! Tell us what you like and we'll recommend some titles we think you'll enjoy. Use our Grab and Go! option for a quicker turnaround focused on items checked in right now at your local branch. 

Personalized Picks

Use this form to request a personalized selection of reading, watching or listening recommendations based on your interests. Library staff will suggest about 5 titles based on your preferences with a short blurb about each item and a link to the catalog so that you can place a hold on anything that you like. This option is great if you want us to dig deep and don't mind recommendations that may have a holds list. We can also recommend titles in digital formats with this option. 

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Grab and Go!

Use the form to request a grab bag assembled from items available in your local branch. Available for all age groups. This option is great for readers who want the convenience of a quick grab bag or just want to be surprised with some new suggestions.

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