Hours & Information
About Aberdeen
- Air Conditioning
- Checkout Stations
- Computers & WiFi
- Holds Pickup
- iPads
- Meeting Rooms
- Microfilm Reader
- Print / Copy / Scan / Fax
- Remote Printing
- WorkSource Connection Site
- Check Out Washington Kit
- Microfilm Reader
- S.T.E.M. Kits
- Xbox
A City parking lot is located by the South entrance. Additional parking at Key Bank in designated library spots in their parking lot at the North entrance.
Visit our room reservations page, opens a new window for more information and to reserve a meeting room.
Automated Doors
Restroom - Changing Tables
Multiple Book Drops
Learn more about accessibility at Timberland Regional Library, opens a new window.
New at Aberdeen
Blood Pressure Kits now Available
What is Library Legislative Day?
Universal Human Rights Month Book List for Kids
Universal Human Rights Month Booklist for Teens
Technology To Help Bridge The Gap
Technology can play a role in helping children learn to read. These valuable tools support reading skill with interactive, engaging games, puzzles and activities. Audiobooks and read-aloud can enhance the reading experience and improve phonetic skills. A balanced approach combines technology with caregivers involvement and guidance.