Around TRL with Sarah: Hoquiam

Hello dear fellow library enthusiasts, 

Here is our third edition of this blog series!

Today I am visiting the Hoquiam Timberland Library . the sister city library to the Aberdeen Timberland Library, the subject of my last blog post. This gem can also be found in Grays Harbor along Highway 101. If you are planning a trip to visit a couple of libraries in one day, Aberdeen, Amanda Park and Hoquiam Timberland Libraries would be a great way to see the county with urban and rural spaces to explore. 

As you enter this Carnegie library, you will see the beautiful frieze "Sisters" Under the Eaves on the outside of the building. 



You find yourself at the bottom level when you enter this library, you then can ride the elevator or ascend the staircase enjoying the historical photos and the local artist Elton Bennett Serigraphs. 

At this point, you will have a couple of options of how you want to use this space, from the children's area you can find the Stained glass windows by the local artist Cathy Rusley Smith. You can also find Cathy's artwork at the Elma Timberland Library. 

Or enjoy the titles of favorite books by the local artists. 

Or you can nestle in and get comfortable in the Reading Fort. One of my favorite places with my family!

Or you can use the multiple tables and plug-in areas on the lamps to charge your cell phone, tablet or laptop. 

On the other side of the library, you will find a Grandfather clock, happily ringing as time passes. 

Along the windows you can find the Assistive Devices area, tools that may help someone you know or yourself can be checked out at our library branches. 

There is also the cozy teen area, available to use are the board games and x-box. 

When returning back downstairs before you end your visit, there are historical photos of the area and the Hoquiam Library in many of it's historical forms. 

Did you enjoy this short tour? Look for more " Around TRL with Sarah" coming soon.

Visit the Hoquiam Timberland Library to learn more about this library including address, hours, programs and more!