Surprising Things you didn’t know you could do with your Library Card

Before I worked for the library, I considered myself an avid library user. I brought my children to the library weekly, attended storytimes, asked for book recommendations, and used the $44/month of free printing the one time a year I actually needed to print something.

It wasn’t until I started working for the library, however, that I realized how few of its resources I was using. 

With Library Card Signup Month upon us, it got me thinking about some of the more surprising things people might not know they could get with their library cards. There are resources we talk about frequently: books, eBooks, audiobooks, free printing, DVDs, etc... But I want to focus on the more niche things people might be missing out on!


Surprising Things you didn't know you could do with your Library Card:


Did I just blow your mind? Never had I ever, heard the words
“reciprocal library cards” until I worked for TRL. And I understand why. It’s a hard thing to market and a hard thing to describe. I’ll do my best though: TRL has reciprocal agreements with over a dozen library systems in Washington State. What this means is with your Timberland Regional Library card, you can get library cards with other libraries, even if you don’t live within their service area. This gives you access to not only their physical collections, but digital collections as well.

*Hot Tip: The Libby app stores multiple library cards so if we don’t have an eBook or audiobook you’re looking for you can check one of your other cards to see if they have it!

Find the list of library systems we have reciprocal agreements with here. Each library system may have different requirements for reciprocal library cards, so make sure to contact them to inquire!  



You heard me right. You can go to the library when it's closed with Expanded Access Hours. From 7am-8pm, 7 days a week you can go to a participating library even when staff are not there. Say it’s a holiday and you just want someplace quiet to go? You can go to the library. Need to print something for your kid’s school project before school starts? You can go to the library.  Even when staff aren’t there, you can use your key card to get in, browse, use the computers, use the printer, or even even just use the bathroom. 

EAH is something TRL has been offering since 2019 when they piloted Expanded Access Hours at the McCleary branch. Since then they have added 10 more libraries to the list of branches that offer EAH. 

*Hot Tip: While you can only utilize Expanded Access at participating branches, you can apply for it at ANY branch. Once you have successfully applied for EAH, you can use it at all participating branches.  

To apply for EAH, visit your local library branch!






When I say, “The library has more than just books” I mean “THE LIBRARY HAS MORE THAN JUST BOOKS”. For instance: Our Library of THINGS can get you into our state parks for free with Discover Passes! These are available for 1 week checkouts and work just as any other Discover Pass would! Paying for a pass to go to State Parks can be a barrier, and the library can help. Some of our backpacks like the Checkout Washington Backpack also have Discover Passes as part of the kit. 

*Hot Tip: While some of the items in our Library of Things are branch-specific (Bike Maintenance kits, Bee Backpacks, Musical Instruments, etc...) Discover Passes, Checkout Washington Backpacks, and Birding Backpacks are available throughout the district and holds can be placed online.  

Explore our Library of Things and see what surprises you most!


There are so many cool features in our new catalog and app that I’m just now learning about! For instance: With the TRLGo app, you can actually scan the barcode on the book to check it out IN the app. 

Other cool features of our new App & Catalog: 

  • Does the book you’re looking for have a lot of holds? Use the “While you Wait” feature to view suggested titles to check out.... while you wait! 
  • Turn on your browsing history to keep track of what you’ve read! This is automatically toggled off, but if you like to keep track of what you’ve read- you can toggle it on in Account Settings! 

*Hot Tip: To checkout your books with your phone, tap the cart icon, then scan the barcode on the book with your camera and you’re good to go!  




***In case you skimmed: September is Library Card Signup Month, tell your friends/everyone you know to sign up for a library card, and get the most use out of your library card by utilizing more of the resources your library has to offer!