Welcome to the Timberland Regional Library Open Data Portal
TRL recognizes the rights of citizens, organizations, and local government to public access to library records and information, as specified in the Open Data Policy, opens a new window.
Data Sets
Data sets may include:
- Library information such as geolocations, profiles, hours, and other features.
- Cardholder statistics and measures such as aggregated demographic data, number of cardholders, number of cardholders active in the past 12 months, number of cardholders using various services or borrowing materials, or similar data that does not include personally identifiable information.
- Collections data on titles and items held by the Library and their use.
- Data regarding programs offered at the Library including information about overall attendance and other measures.
- Technology information such as the number of computers available, internet and WiFi sessions used, and similar data.
- Financial information including budgets, income, and expenditures.
Open Datasets
Library County Details Overview
Overview of Library and County Details, including circulation, cardholders, events, and internet use.
Last Updated: 02/15/25, .xlsx format, updates quarterly
Circulation - Library of Things
Last Updated: 03.08.2025, .xlsx format, updates quarterly, available at data.wa.gov.
Cardholders - Active Cardholders
Total number of cardholders with a last activity date in the past 12 months, by profile type and library.
Last Updated: 03.08.2025, .xlsx format, updates quarterly, available at data.wa.gov
Cardholders - Active Cardholders by Age
Total number of cardholders with a last activity date in the past 12 months, by library and age in years.
Last Updated: 03.08.2025, .xlsx format, updates quarterly, available at data.wa.gov
Cardholders - Registered Cardholders
Total number of cardholders by profile type and library. Purged based on 3 years of inactivity unless balance exceeds $1,000.
Last Updated: 03.08.2025, .xlsx format, updates quarterly, available at data.wa.gov
Cardholders - Registered Cardholders by Zip Code and School District
Total number of cardholders by profile type and zip code. Purged based on 3 years of inactivity unless balance exceeds $1,000.
Last Updated: 03.08.2025, .xlsx format, updates quarterly, available at data.wa.gov
Cardholders - New Registrations
Total number of new cardholders registrations by library, date, and profile.
Last Updated: 03.08.2025, .xlsx format, updates quarterly, available at data.wa.gov
Cardholders - Borrowers by Month
Total number of unique borrowers (cardholders who borrowed physical materials), by library and month, for the current year.
Last Updated: 03.08.2025, .xlsx format, updates quarterly, available at data.wa.gov
Cardholders - Borrowers by Year (Physical Items)
Total number of unique borrowers (cardholders who borrowed physical materials) 2011-present
Last Updated: 03.08.2025, .xlsx format, updates quarterly, available at data.wa.gov
Cardholders - Borrowers by Year (Digital Items)
Total number of unique borrowers (cardholders who borrowed digital materials through Overdrive) 2010-present
Last Updated: 03.08.2025, .xlsx format, updates quarterly, available at data.wa.gov
Circulation - Combined (Physical & Digital)
Includes circulation of physical and digital materials by library, year, and month 2011-present. Not including renewals.
Last Updated: 03.08.2025, .xlsx format, updates quarterly, available at data.wa.gov
Includes circulation of physical materials by library, year, and month 2011-present. Not including renewals.
Last Updated: 03.08.2025, .xlsx format, updates quarterly, available at data.wa.gov
Overdrive - Digital Circulation
Includes circulation of digital materials (eBooks and eAudiobooks by library).
Last Updated: 03.08.2025, .xlsx format, updates quarterly, available at data.wa.gov
Circulation by Audience
Includes circulation of physical materials by library, year, and month 2011-present, by item audience. Not including renewals.
Last Updated: 03.08.2025, .xlsx format, updates quarterly, available at data.wa.gov
Circulation by Item Type
Includes circulation of physical materials by library and item type. Not including renewals.
Last Updated: 03.08.2025, .xlsx format, updates quarterly, available at data.wa.gov
Collection - Items by Type
Count of physical items in collection by item type, library, and other details, including total lifetime circulation (includes renewals).
Last Updated: 03.08.2025, .xlsx format, updates quarterly, available at data.wa.gov
Internet Sessions
Count of internet sessions and duration at each library by year and month.
Last Updated: 03.08.2025, .xlsx format, updates quarterly, available at data.wa.gov
Programs by Library
Library programs/events by library and intended audience, includes reported attendance.
Last Updated: 1.5.24, .xlsx format, updates quarterly, available at data.wa.gov
Timberland Regional Library Service Points
Lists Timberland Regional Library service points, including libraries, kiosks, and cooperative locations.
Last Updated: 11.09.23, .xlsx format, updates as needed, available at data.wa.gov