Timberland Regional Library Homepage

Now Available - Online Library Card Signup!

Register for a TRL card online and begin exploring our vast collection of  e-books, audiobooks, emagazines, and countless online resources.

Now Available - Online Library Card Signup!

Register for a TRL card online and begin exploring our vast collection of  e-books, audiobooks, emagazines, and countless online resources.

Now Available - Online Library Card Signup!

Register for a TRL card online and begin exploring our vast collection of  e-books, audiobooks, emagazines, and countless online resources.

Popular Online Resources


Video streaming platform that offers a wide selection of movies, documentaries, and TV shows from around the world.

OverDrive eBooks, Audiobooks, Magazines

Search TRL's digital collection of eBooks, Audiobooks, and Magazines on a desktop through the OverDrive website or Libby App.

Consumer Reports

Read current and past issues, learn how to buy a new or used car, and find product reviews. Available in en Español.

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